About the Team

Stef Morgan (Co-Founder)

Hi, I’m Stef. I co-founded Dazzling Writing with my sister, Jacqueline. Our website is dedicated to helping you learn to craft compelling content that will… well, dazzle your readers. I’m a voracious reader myself, and I love playing with words to see what I can create.

When I was in school, I was just as passionate about reading but never really understood the point of analyzing everything to death. Fast forward more years than I care to count, and things have changed.

Back in school, the very mention of things like metaphors, similes, and symbolism would send me running for the hills. Now, I get excited about picking apart a piece of writing to see how it all comes together so I can learn from it and apply those techniques to my own work.

And yes, that includes the dreaded literary device.

I’m also passionate about business and content marketing, and I love talking shop with my sister, with whom I run Morgan Creative Group.

I also love anything sci-fi or fantasy, whether it’s movies, books, games, or TV shows, though I have a particular soft spot for Star Wars and Star Trek. My weekends are often spent playing video games with my other sister and brother-in-law.

Oh, and I’m utterly petrified of heights and am convinced that whoever came up with the idea of glass elevators was out of their mind. I mean, seriously, who thought that was a good idea?!

And what’s wrong with a good, solid wall between me and a several-story drop? Nothing, that’s what.

So that’s me in a nutshell. I’m a writer, a business owner, and a content marketer who loves to read, play with words, and talk shop. And I absolutely refuse to get into a glass elevator.

I hope you enjoy poking around my website and learning more about how to write dazzling content. Thanks for stopping by!

Stef Morgan

Jacqueline Morgan (Co-Founder)

Hello everyone,

I’m Jacqueline and I’m the other half of Dazzling Writing. I’m passionate about leveraging the power of words to create beauty and inspire others. That’s why I’m obsessed with helping content creators learn how to write effectively to build sustainable businesses in today’s digital age.

I have an eye for detail and I’m an absolute nitpicker when it comes to grammar. To me, beauty is worthless without immaculate communication. That’s why I’m obsessed with helping people deliver their message in a way that resonates with their audience.

My entrepreneurial journey began when I teamed up with my sister, Stef, to create the Morgan Creative Group. We both are interested in business and decided to combine our ideas to build something amazing. My background is in agri-commodity trading, beauty ventures, and content marketing. These experiences have given me the knowledge and skills to help others create meaningful content.

Oh, and one fun fact about me: I’m a huge fan of salads, but I’m an even bigger spider-hater. Whenever I hear about Google’s crawlers, those mini spiders just freak me out!

Through Dazzling Writing, I aim to help you avoid grammar mistakes and become a better writer so you can build your own business. I’m excited to be part of this amazing team and cannot wait to see what we’ll create together.

So, let’s get the pens scribbling (or the keyboards clattering)! It’s time to learn to craft spellbinding content that will suck your readers in and leave them begging for more.

Here’s to beautiful words – let’s make them dazzle!

Happy Writing! 🤗

Jacqueline Morgan